Royalty-Free Photo Sites

These are our recommendations for sites providing good-quality images distibuted under an unrestricted or Creative Commons CC0 licence (further details) but please review the licence on the individual site for specific terms of use.

If you still can't find what you are looking for please visit our Fotolia or Shutterstock collections.


royalty-free images from unsplash

This is one of our favorite sources of royalty-free photos. Includes a lot of stunning scenery from around the world but also useful portraits of people, objects and animals. A good quality library which is growing all the time.


royalty-free images from gratisography

An extensive library of over 660,000 images, including illustrations and vectors, as well as videos. Covers the widest range of good-quality images we've seen in a free image library including some useful portraits and objects. Be aware it also displays panels of Shutterstock commercial images.


royalty-free images from stocksnap

Another excellent site with a very wide range of material including business-related images you might find on commercial stock photo sites. Cteaed by the people behind the graphics editor Snappa.


royalty-free images from gratisography

A gallery of whacky and whimsical photographs taken by Ryan McGuire of Bells Design. If you want something out of the ordinary this is the place to look.

Negative Space

royalty-free images from stocksnap

A good range of images. Quite a lot of advertising on this one though.

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